You’re Joking Me: BOOK REVIEW

You’re Joking Me --- A Book of Jokes for Kids by a Kid You're Joking Me is a charming book with more than four-hundred one-liners, puns, riddles, and knock knock…[...]
You’re Joking Me --- A Book of Jokes for Kids by a Kid You're Joking Me is a charming book with more than four-hundred one-liners, puns, riddles, and knock knock…[...]
It is back to school time; and, if you’re like me, you feel both excitement and dread. Excitement, that we made it through the summer with the children at home,…[...]
Change is difficult no matter your age. For children, change, especially involving divorce, can manifest feelings of insecurity and spur bouts of acting out. Since there is little else they…[...]
“I shared the gospel with my class; but when it came to the invitation, several kids raised their hands who don’t really seem to be ready. How do I handle…[...]
Why the “Everyone Gets a Trophy” Manta is not ok. I want everyone to feel valued, especially kids, and nothing makes a kid feel more valued that receiving a trophy. …[...]
As a mom and former children’s ministry director, I know the joy of seeing kids excited about Jesus. I’ve also been at it long enough to know the heartbreak of…[...]