R.O.P.E.S. Character Development Study

Purpose: To help teens identify godly character and provide opportunities that will challenge them to develop those essentials of character. Titus 1:1 “... to further the faith of God’s elect…[...]
Purpose: To help teens identify godly character and provide opportunities that will challenge them to develop those essentials of character. Titus 1:1 “... to further the faith of God’s elect…[...]
The number of children entering foster care each year is astounding. “On any given day, there are nearly 438,000 children in foster care in the United States.” (childrensrights). In the…[...]
Why the “Everyone Gets a Trophy” Manta is not ok. I want everyone to feel valued, especially kids, and nothing makes a kid feel more valued that receiving a trophy. …[...]
As a mom and former children’s ministry director, I know the joy of seeing kids excited about Jesus. I’ve also been at it long enough to know the heartbreak of…[...]
The most difficult and frustrating parenting task for my husband and I was figuring out the best way to discipline. Well, it wasn’t until child number two that we had…[...]
I love rocks. Always have. When I was eightish, a neighbor friend and I gathered a bunch of rocks, painted them, and sold them door to door for a quarter.…[...]